
Worksheets enhance metadata reporting by offering flexible search and browse capabilities. You can create worksheets, search metadata, apply filters, and select from various object types to optimize the data in the worksheets. Worksheets support detailed filtering using multiple properties and object types, providing you the ability to manage and derive results. The detailed filtering option supports all objects in a database and lets you create custom worksheets with multiple parameters to show detailed combined results.

The Worksheets module uses multiple organized panes that lets you explore the available worksheets, apply filters, view filtered data and properties, and share worksheets with other users. Shared worksheets are dynamically updated as and when they are edited and submitted.

To view worksheets, on the application menu click (Worksheet).
The Worksheet module appears and displays different panes that let you select, filter, and manage your worksheets.

The following list explains the usage of different panes in this module:

Worksheet Explorer

This pane displays the custom worksheets you created and those shared with you. Selecting a worksheet displays filter options and detailed results. To add a worksheet, refer to the Adding Worksheets section.


This pane enables you to search for data available in the erwin ER360, and categorize your search results based on database objects, selected models, common and object attributes, and user defined properties. Based on the filters you set, the results are displayed in the details pane next to it. To know more about filtering data, refer to the Filtering Worksheet Data section.


The Properties pane displays properties of the objects selected in the details pane. This pane is collapsible, and the list of data displayed here varies based on the selected object type.

Adding and managing the worksheets involves the following:

Apart from creating and sharing worksheets, you can edit the worksheet's name and description or delete them.

To edit or delete worksheets, click .

The following options appear.

  • Edit: Use this option to edit the name and description of the worksheet.

  • Delete: Use this option to delete the worksheet.